Drawing on 30 years of experience, Dr. John Elder will explain techniques employed by experts to solve challenging problems.
This course describes powerful analytic methods for classification and estimation drawn from Statistics and Data Mining.
Drawing on 30 years of experience, Dr. John Elder will explain techniques employed by experts to solve challenging problems.
This course describes powerful analytic methods for classification and estimation drawn from Statistics and Data Mining.
Find the useful information hidden in your data! This course will cover:
• Algorithmic methods for inductive classification and estimation
• Key inner workings of top algorithms
• Classical linear and nonparametric statistical techniques
• Essential techniques of Resampling, Visualization, and Ensembles
• How to successfully implement Data Mining solutions through practical lessons in real-world challenges
John Elder founded Elder Research, America’s most experienced Data Science consultancy in 1995. Elder Research has offices in Virginia, DC, Maryland, and North Carolina.
Dr. Elder co-authored 3 award-winning books on analytics, was a discoverer of ensemble methods, chairs international conferences, and is a popular keynote speaker.
John is an occasional Adjunct Professor of Systems Engineering at UVA, and was named by President Bush to serve 5 years on a panel to guide technology for national security.