Lessons from the Outdoors for Data Science and Innovation
How to Excel in the Growing Field of Data Science
SERVE the Force
Harnessing the Power Within: The Value of AI and Data Science Training
Is My Data Lake Actually a Data Swamp?
Machine Learning Engineers & Operations: Where DevOps Meet Data Science
Previewing the MYOB Podcast
The Customer is Always Wrong – Along with the Rest of Us
So, I could title this “We Are Almost Always Wrong”. Why am I highlighting the other party? Because over-fealty to the customer’s guidance can prevent us from discoveries even more valuable to them. The customer may know their pain well, but not the diagnosis or treatment. We must “trust but verify” as we discover how best to help them.
As an Aspiring Data Scientist, What Do I Really Need to Know About Statistics?
A Strategic Guide to Developing Your Analytics Team
Team Diversity: Women In Data Science
Changing the Curve: Women in Computing
Obstacles and Opportunities for Women in Data Science
Blog post discusses the obstacles and opportunities facing women entering the data science field. Examines past, present, and the need to close the gender gap.